
1- Enriching human knowledge with scientifically documented therapeutic applications derived from the Prophet’s guidance.

2- Providing an appropriate research environment for research and development in conducting scientific research to reduce the complications of diseases and treatment, improve the quality of life and raise the level of health.

3- Urging health college students and postgraduate students to conduct laboratory and clinical research.

4- Applying a preventive medicine approach and intensifying efforts to reduce environmental pollution to limit the spread of diseases.

5- Raising the level of health in society and conducting awareness campaigns about healthy food and disease prevention, especially chronic, cancerous and epidemic diseases, in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 to raise and improve the quality of human health.

6- Converting research and patents into a product that serves human health to reduce the cost of treatment and patient safety within the goals of national transformation and Vision 2030.

7- An integrated research unit was established at the highest level, including more than 70 researchers, scientists, and professors.

8- Within 8 years, more than 240 ISI research papers were published in international peer-reviewed journals, and 8 American patents were issued.

9- Therapeutic research clinics were established to follow up on scientific research, at King Abdulaziz University Hospital, College of Medicine (documented by doctoral and master’s theses - and comparative clinical studies with the participation of students from the College of Medicine and Therapeutic Nutrition).

10- Participation in international and local conferences to present our scientific research.

11- Raising the level of health in society by holding several awareness festivals and seminars.

12- Organizing a global conference for evidence-based therapeutic quality in Prophetic Medicine to present the chair’s research and patents (December 10-12, 2013, April 5-7, 2016, April 21-22, 2018, April 4-5, 2020, February 20-22, 2022)

13- The Chair’s participation in the organization and scientific committee of the First Sheikh Zayed International Prize for Complementary Medicine, the first session, February 25, 2020, and the second session, February 22, 2022, in the city of Abu Dhabi.